Wednesday 2 December 2015

Hello Again Friends!

Wow, its been a long time since I was last here!

With my boys growing up and going off to Pre School, I have a bit more time on my hands so I can finally start writing again. So how about a brief recap of what's gone on here since my disappearance.

  • My youngest son turned 1 - though now he's closer to 1 & 1/2!
  • We moved house! Anyone who knows me personally will know that myself, my husband and our two toddlers were living with his parents and siblings from May 2014. We lived like that for about a year and a bit before finally finding ourselves a permanent home, and we couldn't be more thrilled! 
  • I've finally decided what to study at university - Fashion! I'll be sharing my portfolio journey with you guys too, so make sure you keep an eye out for that. Subsequently, my husband has started studying for his passion too, so we're both getting our butts into gear. 
Other than that, nothing else inrerssting happened so I think I'll leave it here for today. 

Take care, and I'll see you all again soon, my little Pudding Pies <3 
